Duncan Ross – Recent Diagrams and Proposals

Recent Diagrams and Proposals is an exhibition of printed drawings and wooden sculptural assemblages. The prints reproduce a series of pen and ink sketches made using a range of graphic techniques including automatic drawing and technical draughting. Amongst other themes, these incorporate the artist’s interests in neurological routine, geomancy and box art. The wooden assemblages are made from materials gathered in public spaces, including an anarchist-run community park in North Belfast.

Originally from Scotland, Duncan has been based in Belfast since 2000. During that time, his practice has centred on an exploration of draughtsmanship and visual arts facilitation, where he has developed single bodies of work over extended durations. Examples include Duncan’s illustrations for The Vacuum news sheet (2003 – 2014), his organisation of a weekly open-access public art workshop called The Tuesday Drawing Studio (2013 – 2018), and Skull, a long-form live drawing event held monthly at the Black Box since 2016.

16 Nov 2023

11 Jan 2024

216 Falls Rd, Belfast BT12 6AH