David Haughey | It Crystallises into a Monad at QSS Gallery

PREVIEW: 3 SEPTEMBER, 18:00-20:00 (to book a time slot click HERE)

It Crystallises Into a Monad takes its point of departure from the recreation of an unattributed zoological painting, originally made in 1776. The video projection work presented at QSS Gallery One in Belfast during September 2020 acquired form through research of the painting and observation of process and context across seven months. Through practice and presentation, the work considers the status of reproduction, documentation and is an excavation of the temporality fundamental to image-making practices. The form of display along with the process and research of a painting, the documentary photography, the digitally recreated space – hopes to elaborate the relations between still and moving image, between the various strata of image-making. Several thousand photographs were taken during the process and those selected prompt the memory of psychological events, locations that exist somewhere between the correspondences of text, the city, a space of association and fantasy. These images and texts were shaped either directly or at some tangent by the constant, temporally delineated ritual of making and remaking. This exhibition folds together both site and its image into a class of proposal, an object representing neither the past, present or future – a conjecture.


David Haughey (b.1979) is currently a PhD candidate at The Belfast School of Art and originally graduated from Ulster University in 2001, BA (Hons) Fine Art. David is member of QSS Studios, and his research folds together the conventions of painting and photography with expanded imagemaking practices, installation and digital media – with a particular focus on temporality and process.


The artist would like to express particular appreciation and gratitude to his research supervisors Mary McIntyre and Dougal McKenzie. For providing the context and studentship through which this research and exhibition was realised, the artist wishes to acknowledge and thank Dr Justin Magee, Research Director of Art & Design at The Belfast School of Art, The Doctoral College at Ulster University and DfE.


QSS, The Arches Centre, 11-13 Bloomfield Avenue, Belfast BT5 5AA
+44 (0)7495 013947 | [email protected]

Opening hours: Tuesday through to Thursday, 10:00-17:00

QSS is very pleased to welcome visitors back to our gallery space from 2nd September. The safety of our visitors, artists and staff is our paramount concern, and to this end we have put a range of measures in place to ensure that you can enjoy your visit safely. 

Visiting during normal opening hours (Tuesday through to Thursday, 10:00-17:00):

  1. Please press the ‘QSS’ buzzer on arrival for access.
  2. Wear a mask/face covering and adhere to social distancing guidelines at all times. 
  3. Sign in/out at the reception desk and use the hand sanitiser provided on both arrival and departure.
  4. Avoid using the lift, unless you have mobility issues. In this case, a maximum of two people from the same group may use the lift.
  5. Keep left on the stairs. Use the paper towel provided as a hand barrier for high touch points (door handles, banister).
  6. Follow the one-way system through the gallery as directed (arrows/signage).
  7. Our toilets are open but access is limited to one person at a time. Follow the guidelines posted outside the toilets for usage. 

Additional measures when attending an exhibition preview:

  1. Book your time slot (30 minutes duration) via Eventbrite:
  2. As we will be operating at a reduced capacity (maximum of 25 visitors at any one time), it may be necessary to queue for a short period upon arrival. Please follow the directions of staff, and observe social distancing guidelines. 
  3. Please note that refreshments will not be served at opening events.