Week 6: “Phi Phenomenon” – QSS collaboration with artist and curator Moran Been-noon

“The Phi Phenomenon describes the sense of motion perceived by us when visuals appear in an alternation at high frequency. It’s important in animation, for example, when a frequent enough sequence is essentially viewed as movement. This is one of the ideas that inspired the theory of Gestalt, which considers the whole as different from the sum of its parts, since a whole is created when our brain bridges certain gaps in its reality. The pieces in this week’s collection have various elements described in Gestalt through the use of patterns, fractured images, or gaps in a sequence. Looking through these frames evokes the idea of the Phi Phenomenon as the story is completed in each viewer’s mind.” Moran Been-noon

List of work:

01. Eanna Mac Cana: ‘The Fews’ (above image), Digital Film, 2020

02. Eanna Mac Cana: ‘Amygdala’, Video MiniDV, 2020

03. Craig Donald: ‘LNA’, oil on board, 38 x 33 cm, 2017

04. Craig Donald: ‘Redaction’ installation detail, mixed media, dimensions variable, 2014

05. Amy Higgins: ‘All My Pills and Vitamins’, oil on canvas, 120 x 160 cm, 2018

06. Craig Donald: ‘Quo Vadis’ detail, shredded found image, dimensions variable, 2019

07. Daniel Coleman: ‘Naive Painter’ site specific installation, oil on canvas, graphite on paper, size varies, 2018

08. Jennifer Trouton: ‘The Grass is always Greener’, oil and decal transfer on board, 4@ 24 x 30cm

09. Sharon Kelly: ‘Sleep Out’, ink on translucent paper, 29 x 21 cm, 2019

#QSSArtists #studiosbelfast #contemporaryart #artsNI #lockdownart #PhiPhenomenon #onlineart #artinisolation #onlinegallery