Behind the Scenes at the New QSS Studios

Image: The Moments of Inception Exhibition includes this piece by artist Grace McMurray

Queen Street Studios have been home to a number of successful artists since its development in 1984 when it was set up to satisfy a growing need for artist studio spaces in Northern Ireland. Almost thirty years later Queen Street Studios are known throughout the city of Belfast and beyond for their innovative approach to visual art.

In May 2013, they relocated to new premises on Bedford Street aided by funding from the Arts Council. It is from their new home that QSS will be hosting two events, celebrating their new home and offering the public the chance to gain an insight into the artists and their processes of developing work.

Noírín McKinney Director of Arts Development at the Arts Council said

‘Through our Capital funding programme we have been able to help QSS take the next step in their development. Accessibility is vital if we are to grow audiences for our flourishing visual arts scene. QSS are instrumental among a number of studios in ensuring local talent receives appropriate exposure and support.’

Moments of Inception Exhibition, offers an intimate glimpse into how creative ideas are formed and uniquely features artworks which are at the early stages of completion. The exhibition is curated by Eoin Dara, Assistant Curator at the MAC.

Eoin said:

“This exhibition celebrates the early artistic processes that take place in the studios which are often seen only by the artists. Now, the public have a rare chance to see how creative ideas develop into finished artworks”.
The Open Studio Day on the 19th of October is an opportunity for the public to meet informally with artists in their studios to see how and where artworks are made.

Brendan O’Neill, QSS Studio Administrator said:

“The open day offers a revealing insight into the lives of contemporary artists, and allows anyone interested in the visual arts a chance to chat with some of Ireland’s most established artists in a relaxed and informal setting”.

Moments of Inception Exhibition is on Thursday 17th Oct, from – 9.00pm.

Open Studio  Day is on Saturday 19th October, 11.00am – 4.00pm

Both events are free, part of the Ulster Bank Belfast Festival at Queen’s programme and open to the public.

These events showcase the work of twenty current QSS artists and are the first public events to be held in the new premises in Bedford Street.