Michelle McKeown
Michelle McKeown lives and works in Belfast and is currently completing her doctoral research in painting and feminist theory at Ulster University. She graduated with a BA in fine art painting from NCAD, Dublin and an MA from the Royal College of Art, London.
Taking as her point of departure representation of ‘Woman’ as she is encoded historically in Irish visual culture and western painting, McKeown’s practice operates at the intersection of painting, photography and digital printing technologies. The operations of chance within material encounter is a central element in her work. Deploying experimental and expanded approaches to painting, her practice research explores notions of non-human agency, unconscious visual perception and experiences of nonlinear, subjective time
Awards include the Basil H Alkazzi Scholarship 2005-2007 and Artist-in-Residence Award from 2007-2008 at Loughborough University School of Art & Design.
Solo Exhibitions include: ‘The Widening Gyre’, Marian Cramer Projects, Amsterdam, 2020; The Seeress, Marian Cramer Projects, Amsterdam, 2013; The Realm of the Mothers Marian Cramer Projects, Amsterdam, 2011; Michelle McKeown @ Storage, The Agency Gallery, London, 2009; and Strange Attractor, Loughborough University Gallery, 2008.
Selected group exhibitions include: St Brigid’s Well, Hamilton Gallery, Sligo, 2021; LABA, Golden Thread Gallery, Belfast, 2021; Down, Down, Little by Little, slow art project in conjunction with Bruton Correspondence School,UK, 2020; Progressions, Ulster University Gallery, Belfast, 2019; Femocracy, Marian Cramer Projects, 2016, 2Q13 Lloyds Club, London, 2013; Journey, Millennium Court Arts Centre, 2013; Waar ken ik u van? Leiden University, The Netherlands 2013.
Profile on Marian Cramer Projects